Comparing AEA with administrative license, it is clear that they have the same meaning but differ from emphasis point and analysis angle. 对行政审批和行政许可两个概念作一比较,可以看出二者具有相同的含义,只是侧重点不同,分析角度不同。
The tool point angle ( TPA) is formed by the two lips and is chosen based on the properties of the material to be cut. 两条钻唇形成钻顶角,并根据被钻削材料的性能来选取其大小。
Migration Velocity Analysis Based on Common Image Point Gathers in Angle Domain 基于角度域共成像点道集的偏移速度分析
From the point of this angle Baidu and the competition that clean out treasure just have value more. 从这个角度来看百度和淘宝的竞争才更具价值。
Two rags proceeding from the same point form an angle. 从同一点出发的两条射线形成一只角。
As far as Russian jokes involving foreigners is concerned, this paper analyzes laughing point from the angle of stereotype of national culture. 在涉及到有关外国人的俄语笑话中,本文从民族文化定型理论角度来剖析笑点。
The results show that opening point, opening angle, maximal tangential stress and critical load vary with aspect ratio and inclined angle. The most dangerous inclined angle is obtained accordingly. 结果表明,开裂点、开裂角、最大切向拉应力和临界载荷随椭圆的纵横轴比和倾角的不同而变化,由此可得到最危险的倾角。
The way of setting out point with right angle by the base line 点位的基线直角放样方法
In the fifth part, this text attempts takes promotes the Jilin old industrial base promotion as the starting point from the angle of coordinated economic development, and proposes to Jilin Province aspect preliminary ideas and so on economic development strategy policy, content and ways. 在第五部分中,本文试图从经济全面协调发展的角度,以促进吉林老工业基地的振兴为出发点,结合前文论述,提出对吉林省经济发展战略方针、内容、途径等方面的初步设想。
Optical antenna of multi-wavelength inter-satellites laser communication system is introduced in this paper, and the relation of optical antenna gain and point angle and wavelength is also analyzed using electromagnetic wave theory. 介绍了多波长星间激光通信系统中的光学天线,从电磁波辐射的角度,分析了光学天线的增益与指向角度及波长的关系。
The point, the angle and the depth of puncture were measured on CT images. CT扫描确定穿刺点、角度及深度。
The polarization states of the visible light change with adjustment of pump incident point or incident angle. 观察到了超荧光的偏振状态随泵浦光入射位呈和入射角的变化而变化;
The difinite coordinate, inclination and azimuth of the target are often required for the well-path design and control in directional drilling, just as an airplane landing which needs the rational landing point, dip angle and navigation azimuth. 正如飞机降落需要有合理的着陆点、着陆倾角和导航方位一样,石油钻井中的井眼轨道设计与控制往往对靶点、入靶井斜角和入靶方位角也有明确的要求。
Very accurate point angle is required in inter-satellites laser communication. 论证了星间激光通信需要极精确的指向角度。
The whole shape of the lesion could be viewed from any point and angle. 病变的整体形态从不同的位置和角度得以观察。
On the other hand, cultural studies appears in the postmodern turn, but it is not perfect on the logic starting point and culture angle and aesthetic pursue. 另一方面,文化研究在后现代转向的语境中兴起,但是它在逻辑起点、文化层面和审美追求三方面表现了其不足之处。
It also deals with the method of ensuring the insert point and angle that is necessary to mark surface roughness accurately under different conditions. 阐述了各种情况下准确标注表面粗糙度所需的插入点和角度的动态确定方法。
The conical grinding method has four grinding parameters, and for three drill point geometric parameters, the lip clearance angle, chisel edge angle and point angle, the flank configuration is not unique. 麻花钻锥面刃磨方法有4个刃磨参数,当给定外缘转点的结构圆周后角、横刃斜角、锋角这3个结构参数时,后刀面的形状并不唯一。
Objective: To explore the relationship between the puncture point, angle, quantities of resectable nucleus pulposus and clinical curative effect. 目的:探讨经皮穿刺切吸腰椎间盘术中,穿刺点、角度、髓核组织取出量与临床疗效的关系。
The Solution for Pitch Point Angle of Spiroid Gears and Analysis of the Solution 锥蜗杆传动节点角的求解及解的分析
Through the substitution of suitable parameters, it is verified that this method can be extended to realize synthesis of problems on function and position of point amount of angle displacement in four-bar linkage. 通过适当参数替换,证明该方法能推广至四杆机构实现函数及点位&角移量综合问题中。
The operation procedure is safe with reasonable instrument and selecting the correct puncture point, angle and depth. 手术有一定风险,如使用合理的配套器械,并熟悉其解剖特点,在X线透视下正确选择进针点、角度和深度,操作规范,此技术是安全的。
Methods: The point and angle of puncture were determined with crossing positioning by elastic ring, and B ultrasonic guiding under needle channel the hard external conduit was placed via percutaneous puncture to draw out bursa fluid, then inject ethanol was injected to cure renal cyst. 方法:用B超橡皮筋十字交叉定位穿刺点和角度,在针道超声引导下,经皮穿刺置入硬外导管抽吸囊液后,注入无水酒精治疗肾囊肿19例。
The antenna array possess some superiority, enlarge equivalent caliber and debase point angle require to intersatellite optical communication. 这种天线阵构建有较大优势,使等效口径扩大,降低了对星间激光通信中指向角度的要求。
On this basis, this dissertation proposed a method to recognize the transferring fault by checking the dead angle of differential current using oddity point and dead angle detection operators based on mathematic morphology. 在此基础上,利用数学形态学的方法构造奇异点与间断角检测算子,通过判断差流波形中是否存在间断识别变压器转换性故障。
Attempting to build such a kind of construction to provide a new breakthrough point and inspection angle of view. 试图通过搭建这样一种架构,为大跃进运动的研究提供新的切入点和考察视角。
Experimental results show that the design of the laser beam divergence angle measurement system is able to more accurately measure a small point of divergence angle values of laser beams, which achieved the design objectives. 实验结果表明,所设计的激光束散角测量系统能够较为精确地测量出微小角度的高能脉冲激光束散角值,达到了较高的精度,完成了设计目标。
In the modern electronic warfare system, direction finding technology which can also be called the measure of radiant point angle of arrival is used in the non-fountain orientation for radiant point. 在现代电子战系统中,对辐射源的无源定位工作中都使用到测向技术,也可以称为对辐射源到达角(AOA)的测量。
This method mainly uses contour corner, angle bisector of corner and an invariant feature point relative to angle bisector. 该方法主要利用了轮廓角点、角点的角平分线和轮廓上与角平分线相对不变的特征点来构造不变特征区域。